Hey Yin, sorry but I didn't explain myself correctly. This is great for scaling, but what I really want is the shapes to follow the W and H dimmensions.Sure thing, take your time.
In your example, the shapes will always follow the original aspect ratio, if I change W and H, only the background will change and the shapes will stay their size. So what I'm looking to achieve is to get the shapes to follow the same W and H as the background, regardless of the aspect ratio.
Also, could you elaborate a little on this please?
Is there something I can do before exporting the svg to be able to use 0,0 anchor?P.S. Obviously, if the shapes were to extend, even with a 0,0,0,1 color, to the 0,0 of the Shape meter, a 0,0 anchor could have been used in the scale modifier.
Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Yesterday, 7:22 pm